Empowered women take centerstage in celebrating their weddings, now more than ever!

Posted by Gavish Bhatia on

It is not surprising that armchair activism about women empowerment is becoming old-fashioned. We believe that women themselves have started to move beyond ongoing dialogues regarding their own narrative. Admirably so, it holds true when we talk about a lady’s role in planning her own wedding. Things have begun to take centerstage. And, it is an undisputed gradual development that took place mostly in the last decade. Unassumingly, the coming decade will see them holding their ground tighter than ever before. This behaviour has encouraged the Events’ Planners to start realising their business models and offerings in accordance with these demands.

As a line of business, while we (Event People) have never underestimated the choices of a woman, the industry needs to tread a more careful approach in conducting themselves. It is a naturally more interesting phenomena when women not only take cosmetic or aesthetic decisions, but economic too. A working class woman effectively juggles and manages a gamut of professional and personal responsibilities. And, it should be made easier for her to plan and make these choices. Big ticket items like catering, decor, gifting, etc. are available everywhere locally. But, bookings and service delivery are being made hassle-free on robust platforms like Caterdec. Interestingly, traditional vendors have lagged behind in following best practices and failed the consumers by not innovating. Some event players have attempted to push the envelope, unfortunately to a failed proposition. The only platform to have cracked a solution by far, is Caterdec.

Archaic business mindsets are tackling pushback from consumers. Women have taken centerstage. Hence, complex sectors such as Wedding Planning have begun to take cognisance of women’s aspirations and economic choices on priority. It does not make sense for one of the most lucrative, yet unorganised sectors to lack understanding in adapting to smarter choices for their consumers. Well-intentioned event planners like Caterdec platforms have offerings at the click of a button. Designed for a consumer bereft of favourable lifestyle choices already, a celebration ecosystem like Caterdec provides much-needed relief. For instance, one of these offerings is an interesting referral plans for ladies’ clubs. Inclusive efforts such as these encourage even home makers to forward the noble message through their kitty parties, birthday celebrations, anniversary celebrations, etc. and promoting self-benefit by representation. The time to celebrate is now, responsibly and innovatively!


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